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Legal Notices

Company Legal Notices

Request for removal of reviews

We will respond to reasonable requests for review removal in line with these Review Guidelines. If a review infringes or violates any laws, please contact us to report and discuss. Be factual and give details of why the review should be removed. We may not reply to every request, however, they will be analysed internally as part of our processes.

Fake reviews

Whether a review is positive or negative - if it is detected or suspected as fake, it may be removed at our discretion and your account(s) indefinitely disabled. If a business has been posting fake reviews on their own products, we may replace these product(s) with a notice detailing the fake submissions and conduct. We will also submit all details and evidence to the ACCC for them to investigate contraventions of consumer protection laws.

The above also applies to negative reviews. If it is detected or suspected that negative reviews have been left by a competitor or patient with a vendetta, these may also be removed. The associated accounts will be disabled and banned. If a company submits negative reviews on a competitor's product, we reserve the right to notify the public and your competitor of this unscrupulous and illegal behaviour. We may also publish a notice on the offending companies own product(s) listings, remove the offending reviews and submit all details and evidence to the ACCC for their investigation. Severe financial penalties are possible.

Copyright and Trademark Claims

If you are a company that has a product or brand listed and believe you have a claim of copyright infringement, please see our Terms of Use and Disclaimer before contacting us.

All images, photos, product names, logos, trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, service names, trademarks and/or any visual or descriptive content used on this website are used in good faith for identification purposes only. Use of these names, images, logos, and brands does not imply promotion, endorsement, association or support of any company by Canna Reviews Australia and is for the purpose of criticism or review only. All third party trademarks, images and copyrights on this website are used for the purpose of criticism or review.

If you are a representative of a company and have concerns regarding copyright, please consult SS41, 103A regarding Fair Dealing in the Copyright Act 1968(Cth) before contacting us. Legal threats, cease and desists and other baseless intimidating notices/behaviour will be taken seriously and we will respond accordingly.

Canna Reviews Australia operates with the best of intentions and in good faith for the interests of patients and the legal medical cannabis industry. We support change and better access to vital and important plant medicines.